What are the best ways to make sure my office move goes smoothly?

Business relocations require detailed planning and preparation. With more than 30 years of experience, we can ensure that you get the most value from your IT investment. We can free your IT staff from the burden of daily monitoring and preventive maintenance, or become your outsourced IT department. Our experience allows us to offer enterprise-level services within the budget of an SME.

Do you want to be involved in all aspects of the moving process or just a few? Are you the key person or should you assign that responsibility to someone else on your team? Delegate some tasks to your moving project management team, clearly defining the roles. Who plans, packs, unpacks, organizes and decorates? Dismantling goes far beyond simply cleaning your old office. Dismantling is more like restoring it to its original state before you move in. It includes removing wires and electrical installations, accessories, signs and logos, furniture, etc.

It also involves repairing property damage and even doing small things, such as replacing burned-out light bulbs. Your lease must specify the details and, if you don't want to have legal problems or lose your security deposit, you must comply with the terms of the lease. Make a dismantling plan in advance and talk to the moving team about how to assign related tasks. This may seem like an exaggeration, but color-coding your office equipment saves you a lot of time once you start moving to your new office.

You don't have to be fully prepared yet, nor does it have to be anything important. Even a celebratory lunch at noon for the first week after the move will show your staff how much you appreciate their help and are grateful for the interesting things in the new office. Keep a complete list of all office employees involved in the move, along with their mobile phone numbers. Planning for the office move can begin as soon as one year before the date of the move, but usually in six months you start looking for relocation services and start planning the logistics of a business move.

When you partner with Bond Collective, you can avoid the headache and stress of an office move and instead focus on keeping your team engaged and performing 100 percent. Addressing the details in advance and making the arrangements beforehand will simplify the process enough that moving your 50+ year old team from their current location to a more suitable coworking space is like one more day at the office. If more than one or two people and their team are involved in moving your office, you'll have to organize and coordinate a long list of logistical tasks. Moving your office requires a great deal of time and effort, not only on your part, but also on your employees.

Hopefully, you've chosen a new office that allows you to house the furniture and technology you already have, but if you haven't, you'll want to know before and not after you move in. One of the biggest complications inherent in moving to a new office is disconnecting and reconnecting all technology. Planning and organizing an office move should start with setting your budget and determining your moving needs. Whether you're moving to a new flat or across the country, relocating an office involves a lot of work, regardless of the size of your company.

If you're a start-up entrepreneur transitioning to a coworking space, moving your office can be as simple as storing your laptop and some personal items in a backpack. Reserve a commercial storage unit near your new office if you don't have space for things like old files, holiday decorations, and office furniture that you don't need now but could use in the future.

Olivia Tix
Olivia Tix

Unapologetic twitter lover. Hipster-friendly internet advocate. Subtly charming baconaholic. Travel advocate. Total twitter practitioner.